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Day: 18 October 2018

Home » 2018 » October » 18

Vegan Food For Energy

If you’re living on a vegan diet, it’s important that you are eating the right foods to keep your energy levels up and your wellbeing in tip-top shape. We get asked alot about what foods ” should i be eating” as a Vegan and the answer is as varied as possible so you are still

Let’s Talk Menopause #WorldMenopauseDay

Hello!  Firstly, this is just amazing that more women are now asking for help and talking about all things menopause related. We HAVE to have these conversations. We can’t let bright, happy, productive women fall through this menopause hole into feeling so crap. Knowledge is key and there are new studies and evidence finally coming

High in Iron Foods

While the body can store iron, it cannot make it. You need to get iron from food. So, if you’ve been diagnosed with iron deficiency , your doctor may suggest you eat more iron-rich foods. The best source of iron is animal-based foods, especially red meat and offal (such as liver). Chicken, duck, pork, turkey