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How To Make Fast Fatburning Breakfasts

Home » Breakfast Ideas » How To Make Fast Fatburning Breakfasts

Often breakfast can be the biggest barrier to
adopting the Kick Start Fat Loss lifestyle.

Chatting over breakfast, at the Inner Guidance
retreat I attended, with the other guests, it dawned on
me that so many people consider

“cooking” a brekkie  just too time consuming
& not practical when you are juggling,
kids, getting to work, schools, packed lunches
& generally  getting ready for the day.


In the UK we are a nation of cereal eating, tea
drinking, toast buttering lovers.

Which, if you are a reader of my blog know
cereal is a DISASTER for fatloss, energy levels,
cellulite (sugar connection) skin & hormones.

Wheat + Gluten + Sugar + Dairy

= Weight gain, bloating, energy crashes,

Shall I go on? 🙂 So here are my quick tips.

1: Fry up all of your veggie leftovers, the night before,
in coconut oil. Whisk 7/8 eggs pour over in a greased
flan dish & bake. When brown & set, leave to chill overnight.
Cut a slice & serve cold in the morning on the run or reheat.

2: Breakfast Stir fry – prep time 5- 10mins.
Heat a frying pan with coconut oil,  throw all your veggies in
& add prawns/meat – whatever you have to hand.

3:Make a Green Juice – Blend/Juice/Vitamix all your
veggies- go easy on the fruit or you will be creating
a sugar bomb.

4: Protein Banana Pancakes – Whisk 3/4 eggs
add 2 scoops of chocolate protein powder.
Slice 2 bananas & fry in coconut oil
add eggs, when set sprinkle with cinnamon.

Start you & your family of in the best possible
way with a lunch style breakfast.

It is a mind set change but once you
get into the habit, I promise, you will
never go back to boxed cereals
of any description again.

On the other hand you may
want to try these yummy delights
Courtesy of Miss Mairi Taylor.

Happy Sunday PLEASE TWEET ME!!! @RachelHolmes

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