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Tag: improve health

Home » Posts Tagged "improve health"

How to improve your health step by step

Hello!   Making A Change. One Step At A Time. Deciding you want to make a change and improve your physical and mental health is the first step. We usually hit a point where we no longer want to be a certain way, or in a certain situation and we know intuitively change needs to

Are you working out but not getting the results you want?

What you eat is the crucial KEY to fat loss and exercise is just a small part of it… I see myself and the Kick Start Franchisees more as Lifestyle Manager’s. Anyone can give you a diet sheet and a set of exercises to follow and yes, you may follow it EXACTLY and not deviate,

Diabetes health news- let’s make a change

This morning TV is all about the rise in Type 2 Diabetes as it hits 4 million in the UK. There has been a rise of 65% in people diagnosed in the last decade LARGELY due to obesity. Lorine Burke who suffers from type 2 Diabetes says: “Knowledge is power, I stop and think about