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Day 6

Home » Day 6


Welcome to day 6

2  Meals Today!

If it’s Saturday, your normal routine will be different but still keep busy and really push now until the end.

Remember Positive Mental Attitude all the way only 1 more day to go

Fast for 16/17 hours from yesterday evening then shoot for 2 or 3 meals as you need it to get the body to really dig into the fat stores.

If you need to add in some starchy carbs then do so if energy is low.

Plenty OF WATER 4 litres min

Todays Protocol

1.Upon rising choose 2 x workouts

2.Intermittent fast for 16/17 hours after last meal yesterday

3.Breakfast with a greens drink if you are using then a protein rich meal adding in extra starchy carbs if necessary.

4. If you are really hungry have 2 smaller meals or just 1 if you are full. Load up with the veggies and plenty of water to detoxify.

More Recipes:

Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 08.06.00Screen Shot 2016-02-11 at 08.06.56avocado bean fritatta