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We are so disappointed in the new eat well guide

Home » Health Awareness » We are so disappointed in the new eat well guide

We were a little disappointed to say the least here at KSFL HQ, to see the “new” Eatwell Guide which is not far off the last one!

It seems we are still living in the old times… equal amounts of starchy carbs to fruit and veg…telling you to use spread… well at least thankfully the sugary snacks are separated from the guide!

We know that this isn’t the way to maintain a good weight and healthy lifestyle but why is it still not getting through?! No wonder we still have so many weight and health problems in the UK.

Your diet should include more GOOD FATS, lots of vegetables (not as much fruit THIS IS SUGAR), more protein rich meats,  including GOOD carbs such as root veg instead of bread and pasta, cooking with extra virgin olive oil and coconut oil and take the sugary snacks COMPLETELY OUT and we will be about there!

We have a long way to go still but we will get there… let’s keep chip chip chipping away and spread the word!


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