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Cut down your screen time top tips

Home » Blog Standard » Cut down your screen time top tips

Do you feel like you spend too much time scrolling???


Here are our top tips to cutting down screen time:


  1. Set a certain amount of time a day for scrolling- its great for motivation to have a scroll through but don’t go crazy as it soon ends up ” Just 5 more minutes”! Reduce screen time before bed.
  2. Delete DANGER apps that draw you into hours of needless scrolling!
  3. Write down an aim/ goals and screen shot it- set this as your lock screen to motivate you- example: “Exercise more” “Sit in the garden more”.
  4. Use an alarm clock and NOT your phone-put your phone away from you at night to avoid disturbed sleep and scrolling before bed.
  5. Turn your notifications OFF at night or when out doing an activity so you can feel more PRESENT with no disturbance.


Social media and technology is AMAZING with so many opportunities but just remember NOT to let it take over from your experiences!


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