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Tag: health

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What milk should I be using?

At KSFL we advocate YOU becoming your own food and health detective. By removing toxic and common foods that cause inflammation, allergies and intolerances you can start to see how these foods affect your body, health and mood. If you are struggling with fat loss, bloating, IBS type issues, skin problems, asthma, migraines and headaches,

Exercise and how it affects your skin

Exercise is so good for you, I don’t need to tell you that, but what effect does this have on your skin? Do you want to know why sometimes you feel glowing after the gym or other times a total mess?! Let me tell you why… The pros and cons PRO – Your complexion gets a

Good fats and bad fats, what is the difference?

What is the difference between the fats? What are good fats and what are bad fats? How much fat should I eat? I bet you have had these thoughts swimming about in your mind if you read my emails 
and are interested in becoming EMPOWERED ( I love that word) or is it enlightened? or

KSFL follower of the month February

We really appreciate our dedicated followers here at Kick Start Fat Loss and want to thank you for your support and amazing positivity. Our KSFL follower of this month is RINA! A truly dedicated KSFL chef posting the most fantastic meal ideas,  supporting the online members every day, as well as being a great member of the

A new look for Live Lean UK

  We are always shouting about our partners Live Lean UK who offer the highest quality in grass fed meat… well now they are offering MORE organic products which we are thrilled about. Please see below the new organic editions to their selection which will be a great help to us here at Kick Start

New KSFL trials- Will you help us?

I have been working on 2 trials in order to improve my programmes aimed towards teenagers and type 2 diabetes, I am asking a group of people to trial my programmes for FREE and log their results. I know TRIAL makes it sound a little scary but it is all purely diet and fitness to improve health.

Detox Transformation Results Nottingham

I am extremely proud to announce my ladies results from the January, West Bridgford, Nottingham Detox! Overall fantastic results and everyone looked glowing on their makeover day. Over 28 days the team overhauled their diets, cut out the bad foods and cleansed their bodies with the Kick Start Fat Loss Detox Programme! Finally, at the

Nutrition Linked with Mental Health

“Recent evidence suggests that good nutrition is essential for our mental health and that a number of mental health conditions may be influenced by dietary factors.” Says Mental Health.org The evidence linking diet and mental health is growing FAST. Evidence shows that it can contribute towards the development and management of depression, schizophrenia, attention deficit

Kick Start Fat Loss The Revolution Book Tour

Kick Start Fat Loss The Revolution IS HERE! I will be touring the UK talking fat loss, hormones, mid section weight gain, how to create the perfect diet for your health before weight loss, what is KSFL plus the local Franchisee will host clean eating food tasting and I will be signing books. It is

Why we say YES to Pink Himalayan Salt on KSFL

What’s all this about Pink Himalayan Salt?   Salt is SOMETHING else that has been given a BAD RAP healthwise. So, I thought I’d bring you right up to date with what’s going on with salt & how it can help your adrenals, balance your hormones & has a whole load of additional health properties.