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Lets Set The Scene For a Positive, Healthy & Productive Week Ahead

Home » MOTIVATION & SELF LOVE » Lets Set The Scene For a Positive, Healthy & Productive Week Ahead
 Lets Set
Is littleness & thinking small
trapping you?

You are never a victim.

If you don’t like something, you really
do have the power to change it.

You can walk away.

Leave it behind.

Create something new.

Change direction.
Try a new nutrition programme.
Take a new class.
In Fact. Start Over.

We are never really

trapped by anything.


Our own mind.


What do YOU really want?

How do YOU really want to feel?

Dig deep & give it some

SERIOUS thought today
as it’s Sunday.

Maybe, disconnect from social media,
your phone, people & situations that wind
you up & reconnect with YOU.

YOUR personal desires.

Your CORE Desires.

Try some meditation – Download the headspace app
It’s really good.

OR Earthing – Earthing

is where you walk barefoot on grass
or land  & connect with the Earth’s positive energy
& charge (I KNOW that seems a bit woo woo
but try it feels really good!)

Let’s set the scene

for a healthy, positive & productive week ahead.
I’m right behind you…cheering you on!


Tweet me @RachelHolmes
add me on Periscope
I got SO much feedback from
yesterdays BLOG on Tap Water.
THANKS for the enormous response
Did you miss it? Click here

Ill be on Periscope TODAY at 930am UK Time
for nutrition, fatloss, positivity & motivation chat

Join me 🙂 ( I am addicted to Periscope!)

Get the Periscope App from the app store
add me RachelHolmes & I’ll see you there


Do you want to teach Fitness Pilates ?

FP classes are consistently packed all year,
all over the world.. Always busy.

Always attracting new people

2 places left now on the September course
12/13 September 2015

Click here for details & booking


Need to get your nutrition & training on point this week?

I’ve added new workouts to my latest

7 DAY Kick Start Rescue Detox.

Join today and you get into my private
Kick Start Motivation Facebook Group

I post daily tons of workouts, recipes, motivation
& updates to help you feel and look AWESOME.

I love this group its so positive and inspiring.

It really makes the difference
to being super successful & hitting your
health, nutrition & fatloss goals
and falling of the wagon.


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