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Tag: Kick Start fat loss

Home » Posts Tagged "Kick Start fat loss" (Page 25)

Balancing Body Breakfast Juice From Kick Start Fat Loss

Here is another one of our famous Juices. This is The Balancing Body Breakfast Juice and its a wonderful Juice to start your day with. You can whizz this up in a juicer / blender I have a Vitamix which really does the trick Have a go an see what you all think?   Who

Kick Start Healthy Ice Cream

Although the sun is not shining in the UK this week, The kids are on hols and Ice Cream always plays a part in British summertime.   Usual shop “stuff” is packed with sugar, processed ingredients & pretty inflammatory causing so why don’t you make your own?   I have to tell you I didnt

My Spiralizer review

I am SO excited this week with my new toys! Spiralizers are SO popular right now and are a great way to make clean and quick meals that are also delicious!   I received 2 spiralizers this week to try out and here was what I thought:     1.The ‘Vegetable Spiralizer’ by Lurch (from

Kick Start Workout Of The Day & Detox Salmon Salad

Are you up for our Kick Start Workout Of The Day ? If so check the page daily for your workout and perform it as quickly as you can with good form and post your time on the FAcebook.com/KickStartFAtLoss If you are an instructor and teaching HIIT today why not do this as a warm

Fitness Myths and Truths uncovered

We all want to be fit and healthy right? But we want to do it the right way! We are here to shed some light on the TRUTH about some of these common health and fitness myths!   1. Myth- Running is bad for your knees Truth- Studies show that the knees in runners are

Happy Healthy BBQing KSFL Style

    Its SUNNY. Its HOT. Its BBQ time! YAH! Here a quick guide to cooking super duper healthy meat BBQ stylee… When BBQing on an open flame or grill meat tastes A-MAZING.. BUT.. Theres always a but.. When the fat from the meat hits the coals it creates inflammation causing HCA’s & PAH’s What

Is Your Saucepan Effecting Your Thyroids?

Are you ready for some new Pans? If you are clean eating & taking care with your  nutrition, I wonder if you stop to think much about the pots, pans & cookware you use? Non-stick cookware & bakeware has become enormously popular because its so convenient . Foods slide right off, reducing the amount of

Kick Start Fat Loss Salmon Mousse

It’s a beautiful day here in the UK so if you are pulling out the BBQ try this summer Salmon Mousse idea Thanks to the Orpington Kick Starters & Fran Flin All this week on Kick Start watch out for tons on exciting clean fatburning food ideas #KSFLFOOD Love Rachel x ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

Putting her own health first: Health care assistant loses 3 ½ stone with Kick Start Fat Loss

    Slimming clubs, cabbage soup detox, egg and grapefruit diet, slimming pills – just some of the many diets tried and tested by London based and Health Care Assistant Victoria Brodie-Smith. At the start of her weight loss journey Victoria weighed 12 stone 8lbs. Wishing to put a stop to her ‘serial dieting’ and