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Sharon’s 13lbs Weight Loss with Kick Start Elevate Interview

Home » ELEVATE » Sharon’s 13lbs Weight Loss with Kick Start Elevate Interview

The results are still coming in from our 3 month Elevate online weight loss and wellness programme with Rachel Holmes and we are over the moon with the transformations so far!

Today we are sharing Sharon’s story and how she got on with the programme:

1. Write a little bit about you: (name, age, where abouts in the uk, fitness background, lifestyle for example)

Sharon Reynolds
Age 42
Live in Portishead, near Bristol
I’ve always taken part in sport and try to workout every day, main sports are running, cycling and circuit training, used to play football to a reasonable level but retired now
Relatively healthy lifestyle, but fallen in the trap of just eating  too much healthy food,
Had a baby in February so trying to get back into shape

2. How long did you do the Elevate with Rachel Holmes programme?

Full 12 weeks

3. What made you decided to join the programme?

Decided enough was enough and had to take some ownership on my health, maternity had been too much of an easy relationship with cake lol
4. What were your goals when you started?
To lose a bit of weight but mainly to get strong, strengthen pelvic floor

5. How did you find the journey?
Enjoyed it and relatively easy to adopt Rachel’s advice and suggestions for managing the mindset

6. How did you find the coaching?

7. Did you feel supported throughout?

8. What was your favourite part?

Learning about advantages of lift lean and missing it when we did cardio session
Learning about lift lean

9. Which nutritional protocol worked best for you and why?

3 balanced meals with tracking
10. What were your last results?
results are overall inch loss = 13 inches
Weight loss = 13 lbs

11. Will you continue with the nutrition?
Yes definitely

12. What changes did you see to your fitness?
Increased stability and strength, was able to do assisted pull ups when I was messing around at Buggyfit, much to my instructors delight
Got stronger still to do final fitness test, which will do this week

13. What changes did you see to your wellness/ mental health?
Reduced anxiety and fretting over food,

14. What changes did you see to your physical appearance?
Reduced overall weight, slimmer waist, stronger flutes

A big thank you for sharing your experience with us Sharon and well done!

Do you want to join us for the next ELEVATE?

Enrollment is OPEN Now for January

Starting MONDAY 7TH JANUARY 2019


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