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Let’s Look at Your MindSet Today Ready For The Week

Home » MOTIVATION & SELF LOVE » Let’s Look at Your MindSet Today Ready For The Week

“Your thoughts construct patterns like scaffolding
in your mind. You are really etching chemical patterns.
In most cases, people get stuck in those patterns, just like grooves in a record, and they never get out of them.” (Steve Jobs)

Awesome Quote from Steve Jobs don’t you think?
Do you find you get
stuck in mental patterns
& self chatter?
Stories & events from the past, & present PLUS
the stuff you make
up for the future that you replay
over & over again.
Hard-wiring these stories into your brain.

What are these patterns – the things you mull over
& over again?
Do these thoughts REALLY serve you are?

Does this constant repetitive dialogue really
help you move ahead?

Or, are they keeping your stuck down
in negativity
& not moving
Awareness is the first step to breaking a pattern.
Just note it……Yep here it is again.. then change it.

Do YOU REALLY need to keep on over thinking
this subject…or is it time to feed your brain with something
more fulfilling.
Something more creative?
Something more fun & exciting?

Lets start a new dialogue with yourself today
so you can really busy through any mental blocks.

And reach for your goals!

Find your morning Fitness Pilates workout on Facebook.com/KickStartFatLoss !

Happy Monday.

Love always

Rachel xx
TWEET ME @RachelHolmes
Instagram / Snapchat RachelLHolmes


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