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Are You Still Struggling With Sugar Cravings and The Importance Of Magnesium.

Home » Health Awareness » Are You Still Struggling With Sugar Cravings and The Importance Of Magnesium.

Happy Monday – are you ready to really address
your health this week?

The reason you are craving sugary food means
there is a nutrient deficiency
and often it is Potassium.

So where do we find Potassium?


Yes, it’s in bananas but to get an amount that will make a difference you would need to eat
at least 12 bananas and that is not going to happen.

So to get the right amount of Potassium in the diet
consume more veggies – at least 5 – 7 servings per day.

Green veg is loaded with Potassium.

Therefore, the easiest way to eat a larger quantities of Veggies
is to juice up veggies into a smoothie.

This morning I popped broccoli florets with some ginger, a squeeze of lemon and added sparkling water into my Vitamix and hey a very filling and healthy green juice 🙂


A super easy way to get your veggies in and stop
those crazy cravings.

The Importance Of Magnesium
As we age our hormone levels start to decline.

In some cases it has been reported that girls in their mid 20’s are experiencing a decline in the 3 big sex hormones,
Testosterone, Progesterone and Oestrogen.
This has a huge impact on health, fat loss, brain function, mood and can even change your personality.
But there are ways you can boost your hormone levels through sleep, stress management, nutrition, fitness and supplementation.

The first “BIG ROCK” to address is sleep and if you are struggling with sleeping there some great tools and interventions you can utilise.

Maybe you get to sleep OK but 1 am sees you WIDE awake running through your to do list
and then struggling to get back to sleep and wake up totally shattered?

Or do you struggle getting to sleep with thoughts, situations,
scenarios constantly going through your mind?
A supplement I’ve personally found life changing in the sleep department is Magnesium.
Over the last 4 years my sleep has deteriorated terribly.
Waking up at 1am then seeing through 2am and 3 am this becomes so stressful and 100% leads to mid section weight gain,
cravings, mood etc so when my own coach suggested I add Magnesium to help with sleep and stress I decided to try it.

It has made the most amazing difference. I cannot tell you.

I am now sleeping consistently 7 / 8 hours a night my stress levels
are coming down and I feel so much more relaxes and happier.
Magnesium is so underrated.

Magnesium is crucial for more than 300 essential chemical reactions in the body. Without magnesium, these vital reactions simply don’t take place.

Without magnesium, bodily systems malfunction, from bone growth to adrenal health to the ability to fall asleep at night.

Magnesium is most importantly, one of the primary nutrients involved in the regulation of cellular stress and activity.

And when I say stress here, I do mean stress. Any sort of cellular activity is a stress of sorts, because it upregulates activity and requires energy and resources.
Magnesium’s role is to open channels on cell membranes. When a muscle fibre, for example, needs to tense up and become active, magnesium will open the membrane and help usher in calcium, which helps make it tense. Then, when the period of stress is over and the muscle can relax, magnesium opens up the cell membrane to usher the calcium out of the cell again.

The problem for most people is that they have enough magnesium to usher calcium into the cell, but not enough to usher the calcium out.
This leaves them in a chronically up-regulated state, leaving muscles tense, nerves firing, and neurons on high alert. This is why magnesium deficiency is associated with muscle tension, with headaches, with poor adrenal health, and with anxiety and sleep problems.
Without magnesium, the body simply cannot calm down.
Because it has been so life changing for me personally I’ve decide to formulate my own Magnesium as there are so many different types and strengths it can become confusing.

I’ll let you know more details over the next week but I’d like to hear from you – How much sleep do you get on average most nights?

Send me an email or Tweet me Id love to know the % of Kick Starters who are chronically sleep deprived.

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